
CLI quickstart

The intelliscl CLI gives developers and power users the ability to interact with Intellischool's APIs quickly and easily, direct from the command line.

Installation with Homebrew

If you have Homebrew installed on your machine, you can install the CLI by running the command:

$ brew install intelliscl

Installation on macOS / Windows

Pre-packaged installers are available for both macOS and Windows. The installer will automatically add the intelliscl binary to your operating system's PATH.

Installation on Debian / Ubuntu

The CLI is distributed and updated using apt.

First, you will need to add the CLI repository:

$ echo "deb https://cli.intellischool.net/channels/stable/apt/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intelliscl.list

Then add Intellischool's public signing key for package verification:

$ apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 88C06AD00AA2BB47
$ rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/intellischool.gpg 2> /dev/null || echo > /dev/null
$ apt-key export 0AA2BB47 | sudo gpg --dearmour -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/intellischool.gpg

Update your apt sources:

$ apt-get update

Finally, install the CLI:

$ apt-get install intelliscl/stable

Installation on other Linux distributions

You can manually install the CLI using the links below. Download the archives and extract them to your preferred operating folder, ensuring you grant execution permissions.

After installation, add /path/to/intelliscl/bin/ to your system's PATH.


The CLI is regularly updated with new features and bug fixes. If you're running a version that has been superseded, you will be reminded to update every time you run a command.

To update the CLI on Debian or Ubuntu, run the command:

$ apt-get upgrade intelliscl

To update the CLI on macOS, Windows, or any other Linux distribution, run the command:

$ intelliscl update

If you receive a permissions error, run the update command with the sudo prefix.

Running a sync with on-prem data sources

To run a sync with on-prem data sources, simply run the following command:

$ intelliscl sync --deployment $DEPLOYMENT_ID --secret $SECRET

The intelliscl sync command accepts several parameters:

  • Name

    The deployment ID for the sync process to be run. If not supplied, the agent will attempt to retrieve the ID from an environment variable called INTELLISCL_SYNC_DEPLOYMENT_ID.

  • Name

    The secret associated with the deployment ID. If not supplied, the agent will attempt to retrieve the ID from an environment variable called INTELLISCL_SYNC_DEPLOYMENT_SECRET.

  • Name

    Instructs the sync process to use a specific temporary storage folder for data extraction. If not provided, falls back to the environment variable INTELLISCL_SYNC_TEMP_FOLDER, or the system default temporary storage location.

  • Name

    The proxy that should be used when connecting to Intellischool services. It is specified in the format hostname:port. If not provided, falls back to the environment variable INTELLISCL_SYNC_PROXY. If neither are provided, the sync service will connect directly (without a proxy).